ProuD Partner
Soldiers’ Angels
At Veterans Help Group, we continually aspire to be the best advocate for the wounded and disabled of which we are capable. To further this goal, we look to partner with top organizations that relentlessly serve our Veterans.
Soldiers’ Angels is a highly respected non-profit that is well known by active service members and veterans across the country. The charity is dedicated to ensuring that no soldier goes unloved nor has to walk life alone. Their mission resonates deeply with our team and we are privileged by the opportunity to help serve veterans and their families who have been frustrated by the disability claims process.

why choose Veterans Help Group?
The VA statistics show that veterans who hire an advocate to help with their VA claims tend to get more money than those who don’t.
The only thing Veterans Help Group does is help veterans and their families get the veterans disability benefits and other benefits they deserve. That’s it. How can we help you?
Veterans Helped
What Our Clients Say
Frequently Asked Questions
Will hiring a veteran disability advocate increase my chances of winning?
Yes, according to the most recent report from the VA’s Board of Veterans’ Appeals, using a advocate increases the chance of winning an appeal more than using Disabled American Veterans (DAV) or other service organization representative, or not using any advocate at all. (Board of Veterans’ Appeals Report of the Chairman Fiscal Year 2013). (Note: this is not a guarantee of success, every claim is different and results vary.)
Can veterans’ disability advocates delay cases to increase their fees?
NO! As most veterans are aware, the VA has created and absurdly long appeal system and has made it worse by allowing a backlog of claims of nearly 1 million. The only group motivated to slow down the case is the VA since it can delay the payment of money. Moreover, advocates have ethical rules prohibiting this conduct and are monitored by the VA and bar associations to prevent it.
Will hiring an advocate slow down my VA benefits case?
NO! The VA’s own Director of Compensation and Pension recently stated that hiring an advocate helps cases move quicker. A veterans disability advocate knows how and where to obtain the evidence needed and has an organized system of doing it. Additionally, an advocate’s training helps them spot weak issues that are slowing down cases.
Since VA appeals take a long time should I just re-file a new disability claim?
First, and most importantly, if a veteran withdraws the appeal and re-files a new claim they may lose significant back pay because they may lose the right to have the effective date of any subsequent win go back to the date the earlier claim was filed. Instead, the effective date would be the date of the most recent claim. Second, if a veteran files a new claim the evidentiary burden on the veteran increases requiring them to present new and material evidence and cannot rely on the evidence in the earlier claim/appeal.