VA Disability Blog
I just got a “Statement of the Case” from the VA – now what?
The Statement of the Case (SOC) is one of the most critical documents that you will receive from the VA as you work...
Dealing with Unfavorable C&P Exams
When veterans apply for VA compensation, VA will almost always send him to one of its own examiners. These...
Agent Orange Interim Rule Helps Reservists Who Served on C-123 Aircraft
Last week, the Department of Veterans Affairs issued an interim final rule to benefit Air Force Reserve...
Is the effective date of your VA award correct?
The rules concerning exactly when your VA award becomes effective are complicated, but they are important to...
Ralph Bratch of Veterans Help Group visits Antietam Battlefield
As a veteran I, like many people, have always had an interest in Civil War history. On May 28, I finally got the...
We Honor Veterans on Memorial Day
In May 1868, the Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) — an organization of Union veterans — established Decoration Day. ...
Tips for Board of Veterans’ Appeals Hearings (BVA Hearings)
Once your case reaches the Board of Veterans’ Appeals, you have the option to have a hearing before the judge who will...
VA Disability Ratings
Many veterans fight for years and years just to have the VA recognize that they have a disability that is related to...
New Court decision may change the way VA handles Agent Orange cases
Blue water veterans have long battled for recognition that they were exposed to Agent Orange. Unfortunately, VA has...
Changes in VA Benefits Filing Rules Causes Concern
Recently, VA made changes to its rules that impact the way claims are filed and appealed in the veterans disability...
Marine Files Complaint for Veterans Class Action Lawsuit in Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims
Veterans Class Action Lawsuit Seeks Relief for Hardships from Delayed VA Appeals Mr. Conley Monk, Jr., by counsel at...
Major Change in Use of Standard VA Forms Effective on March 24, 2015
On September 25, 2014, the Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) published its Final Rule for Standard Claims and Appeals...
C & P Examinations: The Unexpected Reevaluation
Many times, word that the VA has scheduled a Compensation & Pension Exam — or C & P examination is good news...
DVA Proposes New Rating Scheme for Veterans with Gynecological Disorders
In the February 27, 2015 Federal Register, Vol. 80, No. 39, the Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) proposed to amend...
CAVC Panel Hears Argument on Important Agent Orange Issue
The U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims has agreed to review, by a panel of three judges, the issue of whether...
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