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The Herald – After enlisting in the Marines in 1979, Doug Jones spent time at Camp Lejeune, a 264-square-mile base camp in North Carolina.He said he never tasted anything unusual in the base’s water during the four to five months he spent there between deployments. “But we drank a heck of a lot of it,” he said. “We would go on forced marches. You drink a lot of water. We always made sure our canteens were full.”

VA Disability Ratings for Lupus
VA Disability Ratings for Lupus Lupus, or systemic lupus erythematosus, is an auto-immune...

What’s Ahead for VA Disability Benefits with the New Office of Management and Budget Director?
What’s Ahead for VA Disability Benefits with the New Office of Management and Budget Director?...

Can Spouses of 100% Disabled Veterans Get Benefits?
Can Spouses of 100% Disabled Veterans Get Benefits? A veteran with a 100% VA disability rating is...