EMDR Therapy for Veterans

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EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, it is a new form of therapy encouraged by the Department of Veterans Affairs for veterans suffering from trauma. This therapy is designed to help unlock traumatic memories and reprocess them into positive thoughts. Elaine Wynne the creator of the Veteran Resilience Project, created a 20-month pilot program to showcase EMDR therapy for veterans. The program consisted of 25 therapists to service 30 veterans. The results showed that 74% of veterans no longer showed signs of PTSD and 100% had significantly reduced PTSD symptoms. From the remaining grant money, about $10,000, Wynne started a nonprofit. With the growth of the organization and the release of an article by The Star Tribune about the group’s efforts the VA started to take interest. Now the VA is encouraging clinicians interested to take EMDR training. They are also recommending treatment to veterans interested or if clinicians believe it would benefit the patient.


  • Symptoms of PTSD
    PTSD symptoms usually start soon after the traumatic event, but they may not happen until months or years later. There are four types of symptoms: reliving the event, avoidance, numbing, and feeling keyed up.
  • Relaxed Rules for PTSD Claims
    New rules make the VA disability claims process quicker and easier for veterans who are experiencing PTSD.
  • Veterans Disability Claims for PTSD
    The VA frequently improperly denies claims for PTSD or minimizes the ratings. An experienced veterans disability advocates can help.
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