Expediting the VA Disability Claims Process

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We all know that working with the VA can be a long and laborious process. One way to speed up the process is to file a request to expedite. What’s a request to expedite? How does it work? Who’s eligible?

Request to expedite?

A request to expedite will speed up your claim; however, that does NOT mean your claim will be decided overnight. There isn’t a set timeline for an expedited claim, it simply means your claim will be moved to the priority line.

Who’s Eligible?

1. Financial Hardship

  • The VA looks to your overall financial situation and makes the determination if you’re eligible on case-by-case basis. The VA considers if your home has been foreclosed, your property or assets have been seized, collection notices, or if you’re dealing with bankruptcy, past due mortgage or rent, or the inability to meet daily living expenses such as food and utilities. If you think you may be eligible submit all financial documentation you think support that you’re suffering from severe financial hardship. For example, foreclosure documents, food stamp records, and bank statements.

2. Homeless:

  • The VA defines homeless as an individual or family who lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence, or whose primary nighttime residence is a public or private place not designed for or ordinarily used as a regular sleeping accommodation for humans, or living in a temporary shelter. The statue also includes people who will imminently lose their housing and have no subsequent residence identified.

3. Advanced Age

  • Most Regional Offices will expedite a claim if the veteran is 85 years old or older. The RO’s use 85 because it’s in their manual. However, the federal regulation actually says 75 years old. Therefore, the Board of Veterans Appeals and remands from legacy appeals will only require the veteran be 75 years old.

4. Terminal Illness:

  • If you’ve been diagnosed with a terminal illness (including cancer), or have been placed into hospice care you are eligible to expedite your claim. If you have Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) or Lou Gehrig’s Disease you should be automatically expedited.

What’s the next step?

Filling to expedite your claim is not an instant fix, however If you think you’re eligible to expedite your claim it could make all the difference for you. If you’d like help with proving you’re eligible or have questions about expediting your claim, call or chat with us online.

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