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The San Diego Union Tribune- A scientist in San Diego recently discovered that certain genes make some people prone to PTSD. With positive results in therapeutic research, scientist have started to conduct genealogical research. In the beginning stages of testing they have been able to pinpoint two gene markers that are linked with PTSD. Individuals with that specific genetic make-up can become more susceptible to PTSD. Knowing this information can become beneficial for the military. Being able to identify those individuals will allow the military to position them in a supporting role or prepare them in advance for combat duty in hopes to decrease the affect of PTSD in veterans. Full Article

VA Disability Ratings for Lupus
VA Disability Ratings for Lupus Lupus, or systemic lupus erythematosus, is an auto-immune...

What’s Ahead for VA Disability Benefits with the New Office of Management and Budget Director?
What’s Ahead for VA Disability Benefits with the New Office of Management and Budget Director?...

Can Spouses of 100% Disabled Veterans Get Benefits?
Can Spouses of 100% Disabled Veterans Get Benefits? A veteran with a 100% VA disability rating is...