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What is the GAF Scale?
The Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) scale ranges from 0-100 and measures the extent that your mental health condition affects your daily life. The higher your rating, the more functional you are to handle tasks in your daily life. On the other hand, the lower your rating, the more severe your symptoms are and the less you can function daily.
How is a GAF Score determined?
After reviewing an individual’s medical records and assessing an individual [often during a C&P exam], a health professional uses the GAF scale to assign that person a GAF score. See below to get an idea of the range of symptoms to scores.
How it may affect you?
While the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) stopped using the GAF scale in 2013, the VA still uses GAF scores to help determine disability ratings for mental health conditions. Because a GAF score can change daily, it is not always an accurate representation of a veteran’s impairment overall. Thus, the VA may assign you an incorrect rating.
If your mental health rating is incorrect, please call or chat with us online for a free consultation. Veterans Help Group has been helping veterans get the rating they deserve since 1995; we have the skill and experience to help you get the support you need.
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