Table Of Contents
According to the United States Census from 2015, there are 21,369,602 veterans in our country. That is a lot of people to thank for their service! It is truly inspiring that millions of people are willing to risk their lives to make ours better. Take some time out of your day to show your gratitude this November 11th, whether it be through a donation, volunteering, or simply saying thanks.
Remember today the tremendous sacrifice our veterans make. American five-star General Douglas MacArthur once said:
“The soldier above all others prays for peace, for it is the soldier who must suffer and bear the deepest wounds and scars of war.”
Let’s not forget the tragedies suffered, the women and men lost, and the wounds scarred all for the protection of our freedoms. Drawing inspiration from MacArthur, we wish a peaceful year for all of those who serve.
To honor a veteran today, visit a veteran owned business. There are over two million across the country! To find a veteran owned business in your community, search the Veteran Owned Business directory.

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