Table Of Contents
Stars and Stripes- Sailors and Marines who were previously released from the military for misconduct now have the opportunity to have that decision reviewed under the Mabus order. This order allows those military men and women who suffer from PTSD or a traumatic brain injury the ability to apply for benefits and possible review of their discharge decision as well.

VA Disability Ratings for Lupus
VA Disability Ratings for Lupus Lupus, or systemic lupus erythematosus, is an auto-immune...

What’s Ahead for VA Disability Benefits with the New Office of Management and Budget Director?
What’s Ahead for VA Disability Benefits with the New Office of Management and Budget Director?...

Can Spouses of 100% Disabled Veterans Get Benefits?
Can Spouses of 100% Disabled Veterans Get Benefits? A veteran with a 100% VA disability rating is...