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Resources for Veterans During COVID-19
During these unprecedented times it can be difficult to figure out where to turn for information. However, there are several resources for information and help for veterans.
Federal Government Response
The federal government has created a website to address COVID-19. The overall federal government response is at https://www.coronavirus.gov. This website offers the most up to date health related guidance and information on COVID-19.
Here you can find important information to answer your questions, such as:
- What are the symptoms?
- Who is at highest risk?
- What is social distancing?
It also offers specific resources for:
- Travelers
- Households
- Pregnant Women & Children
- People Who are Sick
- Small Business Owners
- Schools
- Businesses
- Healthcare Professionals
- Health Departments
- Laboratories
This website also provides the latest news and updates regarding COVID-19.
VA Resources
The VA has put together a website to provide updates and tips on spreading COVID-19. Their website can be found at https://www.va.gov/coronavirus.
This website provides answers to your questions, such as:
- What is the VA doing?
- What should Veteran do?
- How can you protect yourself?
The VA also provides the most up to date information on COVID-19 Cases in veterans. As of March 26, 2020 there are 484 positive veteran cases with 6 reported deaths.
Rumor Control
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is working with the Department of Health and Human Services for COVID-19 pandemic response. FEMA has created a website to help the public distinguish between rumors and facts regarding the response to COVID-19. This website can be found at: https://www.fema.gov/coronavirus-Rumor-Control. The page addresses the latest myths, and provides the latest information versus myths on the federal response.
CDC Information
The Centers for Disease Control, or CDC, offers information about protecting yourself and what a person should do if sick. They also provide resources for the community including:
- Travel
- Schools
- Childcare
- Business
- Community Organizations
The CDC’s website can be found at: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncvoc/index.html.
Food and Drugs
The U.S Food and Drug Administration (FDA) put together a website offering the latest information they have. The FDA is monitoring medical product and food supply for potential shortages and disruptions. Their website can be found at: https://www.fda.gov/coronavirus.
Financial Issues
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has a page dedicated to helping people avoid coronavirus scams. This website can be found at: https://www.consumer.ftc.gov/features/coronavirus-scams-what-ftc-doing.
Some people are taking advantage of all the fear surrounding COVID-19. The FTC provides tips such as knowing who to buy from online, robocalls and online offers for vaccinations. The FTC also provides information on responding to fake government officials.
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau also provides information about protecting finances at: https://www.consumerfinance.gov/coronavirus. This website provides education on consumer complaints, protecting credit, dealing with debt, etc.
Small Business
The Small Business Administration (SBA) assists small businesses with accessing federal resources and navigating their preparedness plans.
Small business owners are currently eligible to apply for a low-interest loan due to COVID-19. Click here to apply.
The SBA also works with a number of local partners to counsel, mentor, and train small businesses. You can use the SBA’s Local Assistance Directory to locate the office nearest you.
Lastly, the SBA provides a number of loan resources for small businesses. For information on loans or how to connect with a lender, visit: https://www.sba.gov/funding-programs/loans.
Housing Information
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development provides information at: https://www.hud.gov/coronavirus. This information includes relief for homeowners and information for HUD assisted residents.
Social Security and Medicare Information
If you are a veteran receiving social security you can stay up to date with the latest information at: https://www.ssa.gov/coronavirus.
Medicare also offers their latest updates at: https://www.medicare.gov/medicare-coronavirus.
State Information
Lastly, people can find out what’s going on in their own state at: https://www.usa.gov/state-health.
Veterans Help Group have been supporting veterans in getting the benefits they deserve since 1995. Call Veterans Help Group at 855-855-8992 or complete our free veterans benefits case evaluation form.

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