Social Security Disability Benefits for Veterans with a Terminal Illness

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Often, it’s beneficial for someone receiving or applying for VA disability benefits to pursue other benefits, such as Social Security disability (SSD) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI). In addition to potentially increasing total income, SSDI can be a good option for a veteran whose disability is not service-connected, or who may be having difficulty proving service connection. 

In certain circumstances, a disabled veteran (whether receiving veterans disability benefits or not) may be eligible for a special fast-track determination. One such situation is when the veteran has a terminal illness. 

Terminal Illness (TERI) Claims for SSD

The Social Security Administration (SSA) defines a TERI case (terminal illness) as one in which the applicant suffers from a medical condition that is “untreatable and expected to result in death.” These claims are expedited at every step of the process. 

How Does a TERI Case Get Flagged?

  • An allegation that the condition is terminal
  • An allegation or diagnosis of ALS
  • An allegation or diagnosis of AIDS
  • The claimant is receiving hospice care
  • The claimant has been in a coma for 30 days
  • The claimant is awaiting certain critical organ transplants
  • An allegation or diagnosis of certain cancers
  • Chronic dependence on a life-sustaining cardiopulmonary device
  • Chronic pulmonary or heart failure requiring continuous home oxygen and impairing the ability to care of one’s own needs. 

The SSA stresses that this list is not exclusive. If you have or are claiming a condition that meets the definition above, you may still receive the TERI flag.

What Happens When Your Case is Flagged? 

The key benefit of a TERI flag is that the processing of your claim is expedited. That’s true in processing your initial application and any appeals, as long as your file still carries the TERI flag. The flag can only be removed under specific circumstances

TERI is Just One Way to Qualify for Expedited SSD Processing

The SSA is aware that the lag time in getting benefits approved causes significant hardship for some applicants. TERI is just one example of the programs the SSA has implemented to help ensure that applicants with special circumstances such as a terminal illness can get a determination sooner. 

To learn more about whether you qualify for expedited processing, speak with one of our experienced veterans disability benefits advocates. Just call (855) 855-8992 right now, or contact us here now.

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