VA Clothing Allowance: What it means and how to use it

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Similar to other special claims, navigating the Veterans Affairs Clothing Allowance can be complicated. To simplify the process, we have outlined eligibility, application, and what is covered below.


Veterans with a unique clothing needs due to a service-related disability or injury may be eligible for reimbursement. If you have clothing that is worn out or town because of prosthetic, orthopedics, or medication used to treat a service-relation illness, you may qualify. You can read the specific VA language for eligibility below:

  • Prosthetic or orthopedic appliance, such as a wheelchair or crutches, because of a service-connected disability (Note: soft and flexible devices, such as an elastic stocking, are not included)
  • Medication prescribed by a physician for a service-connected skin condition that causes permanent stains or otherwise damages outer garments

The rate is reviewed annually. The current benefit allowance for clothing is $735 per year. In order to receive this benefit for the year, you must apply by August 1.

Additionally, it should be noted that if you suffer from more than one service-related disability, you could be awarded more than one clothing allowance. If you have multiple prosthetics or a prosthetic and a skin condition, you may be entitled to compensation for each condition.

How to Apply

In order to apply, you must print out the Application for Annual Clothing Allowance, fill it out, and submit it to the local VA prosthetic representative. A claim for disability compensation must exist prior to applying for a clothing allowance.

The allowance is paid out yearly between September 1 – October 31. If you apply after August 1, you will not see payment until the following year. Once approved, there is no need to re-apply.

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