VA Disability Blog
NEWS RELEASE: VA Resumes in-person benefits services halted by COVID-19 response
The Most Common Types of Sleep Apnea
Many veterans experience sleep disorders that may be attributable to either their military experience or secondary to...
What you need to know about TDIU
What is TDIU? Total disability based on individual unemployability (TDIU) is a form of compensation provided to...
Musculoskeletal Injuries
Musculoskeletal diseases can affect the bones, muscles, joints, connective tissues, ligaments, etc. The effects of...
Agent Orange: Compensation for Offspring
Agent Orange has been shown to cause serious health conditions including causing certain birth defects in the children...
VA claim (C&P) exam resumption
Resuming in-person C&P exams At the beginning of April 2020, as concerns about COVID-19 infections increased and...
The Three Elements of Service Connection
Service connection means that a veteran’s disability or death was incurred during or aggravated by their military...
Can the VA Reduce Your Rating?
The VA reduces veterans’ disability ratings to make sure that each veteran is being compensated for their current...
VA nurses empower Veterans with yoga and guided meditation
As the whole health program manager at VA Roseburg VA Medical Center (VAMC) in Oregon, registered nurse Fletcher...
The VA Is Now Offering Transition Services Specially Tailored for Female Veterans
The Department of Veterans Affairs is teaming up with the Department of Defense to offer Women's Health...
Veterans with Children Get Second Chance for Extra $500 Stimulus Check
The IRS set a new deadline for VA benefits recipients who didn't get an extra stimulus check payment for dependent...
What is Cardiomyopathy? Cardiomyopathy is a disease of the heart muscle that makes it harder for the heart to pump...
Eye Conditions & The VA
In 2018, over 280,000 veterans were receiving VA disability compensation for eye conditions. Eye conditions can result...
Breast Cancer & Your VA Rating
Breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in women, following lung cancer. About 1 in 8 U.S women will...
Cancer and its Residuals
More than 40,000 cancer cases are reported among veterans each year. Veterans with cancer account for around 3% of all...
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