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Did You Know You May Be Eligible for VA Dental Benefits?
By: Schuyler Swanton, Associate Advocate
As a veteran receiving VA disability benefits, you might not know that you could also be eligible for dental benefits through the VA. Whether you’re dealing with a dental condition related to your service or you’re receiving a certain disability rating, the VA offers dental benefits to veterans under specific circumstances. Let’s take a look at who qualifies and how you can access this important benefit.
Who Is Eligible for VA Dental Care?
Your eligibility for VA dental benefits depends on several factors, including your military service and current VA disability status. The levels of treatment available vary based on these factors, ranging from one-time treatment to full dental care. Here are some common scenarios when a veteran may be eligible for dental care:
- A current compensable dental condition is service-connected.
- A dental condition is aggravating a service-connected medical condition.
- A veteran is rated at 100 percent disability or is receiving Total Disability based on Individual Unemployability (TDIU).
Service-Connected Compensable Dental Disability
If you have a dental condition that the VA has determined is related to your service, you may qualify for dental care. To be considered service-connected, you must demonstrate the following:
- A current dental disability exists.
- In-service incurrence or aggravation of the dental disease or injury occurred.
- There is a causal relationship between your current dental condition and the in-service disease or injury.
Once your dental condition is determined to be service-connected, you’ll be eligible for comprehensive dental care. This includes cleanings, fillings, crowns, bridges, dentures, and even oral surgeries. Veterans with a service-connected compensable dental condition are classified as Class I and are entitled to full dental care.

Dental Care Related to a Service-Connected Condition
In some cases, a veteran’s dental condition may be aggravating another service-connected medical condition. If this is the case, dental care may be available to resolve the issue. However, the dental condition must be professionally determined to have a detrimental effect on the service-connected medical condition.
Veterans in this situation are classified as Class III and are eligible for dental care specifically aimed at resolving the dental condition that is impacting their overall health.
Schedular Entitlement for VA Dental Care
Veterans who are rated at 100 percent disability or are being paid at the 100 percent rate due to Total Disability based on Individual Unemployability (TDIU) are classified as Class IV. Veterans in this category are eligible for any necessary dental care, including cleanings, fillings, crowns, bridges, dentures, and oral surgeries.
If you fall into this category, you are entitled to comprehensive dental care through the VA.
Additional Resources for Veterans in Need of Dental Care
Even if you don’t qualify for VA dental care directly, there are other resources available to help. For example, in Florida, the Wounded Veterans Relief Fund (WVRF), a veteran-led non-profit, provides urgent financial assistance and critical dental care to eligible wounded and disabled veterans. You can learn more about the WVRF and their services by visiting their website.
Need Help Navigating VA Benefits?
If you’re a veteran and think you might be eligible for VA dental benefits or need help navigating the VA system, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team at Veterans Help Group. We specialize in helping veterans secure the benefits they deserve, and we’re here to guide you every step of the way.
Contact us today for support with your VA disability claims, and let us help you get the care you need.
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