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How Can I Get a 100% VA Disability Rating?
You probably know that your VA disability rating has a significant impact on the benefits you receive. You may not know just how dramatic that difference can be when you get a 100% disability rating. For example, an increase from a 90% VA disability rating to a 100% rating increases monthly monetary benefits by more than $1,500.
If that 100% disability rating is permanent, the VA even offers benefits like healthcare and educational assistance to the veteran’s dependents.
Of course, it’s not easy to secure a 100% VA disability rating. But it’s not impossible either. In the most recent fiscal year reported, 15.9% of new VA disability recipients were assigned a 100% rating.
3 Ways to Secure a 100% VA Disability Rating
A veteran can receive benefits at the 100% level in three different ways. All have their own challenges, so it is best to speak with an experienced veterans disability benefits advocate before you file your claim or appeal.
Qualifying for 100% Benefits for a Single Service-Connected Condition
Not every service-connected condition allows for a 100% disability rating. However, there are quite a few conditions that, if severe enough, may be rated at 100%. These range from mental health conditions to anatomical loss of certain body parts.
Some other conditions, such as implantation of prostheses and cancer, are temporarily rated at 100%.
Combining Service-Connected Conditions
If your primary service-connected condition alone doesn’t warrant a 100% disability rating, you may still receive a 100% rating by combining service-connected conditions or one or more service-connected conditions with secondary conditions.
With a few exceptions, a second service-connected condition or a condition caused by a service-connected condition will be assigned its own disability rating. Then, the VA uses a formula to determine the overall VA disability rating.
Getting to 100% isn’t as simple as it might sound, though. Those ratings aren’t just added together. For example, under the VA’s formula, two 50% disability ratings for different conditions combine to 75%.
Qualifying for TDIU Classification
A veteran who is classified as totally disabled due to individual unemployability (TDIU) receives benefits at the 100% disability rating level, although their actual rating may be as low as 60%.
Maximizing Your Chances of a 100% VA Disability Rating
To give yourself the best opportunity to receive a 100% VA disability rating or TDIU classification:
- Make sure you are including every service-connected or secondary-connected condition in your claim
- Make sure to receive all recommended testing and treatment for your condition or conditions
- Provide the VA with ample medical documentation of your conditions and their severity
- Make use of buddy statements to give the VA a more complete picture of your condition and limitations
- Work with an experienced VA disability benefits advocate
To learn more about how Veterans Help Group can help you submit the strongest, best-documented claim possible, call 855-855-8992 today or contact us here now.
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