Can I Get VA Disability for Exposure to PFAS? 

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Can I Get VA Disability for Exposure to PFAS? 

A veteran can potentially receive VA disability benefits for any service-connected medical condition, and conditions caused by forever chemical exposure are no exception. However, the burden is on the veteran to show that they suffer from the medical condition and that the medical condition started during or was caused by their military service. 

In 2023, legislation was introduced to create several presumptive service connections for veterans exposed to PFAS during their military service, but the bill hasn’t advanced. Currently–in mid-2024–there are no presumed connections for PFAS exposure.

What is PFAS?

PFAS refers to per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances. These substances are sometimes described as “forever chemicals” because they are very slow to break down. That means they not only linger in the environment but are found in the blood of many people and other animals. 

Research into the toxic impact of forever chemical exposure continues, and not all health effects are known. However, these forever chemicals have been linked to high cholesterol, liver problems, changes in immune responses, certain cancers, thyroid problems, asthma, and pregnancy complications. 

Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substance Exposure in Service Members

While it’s unknown exactly how many U.S. veterans and current service members may have been exposed to these forever chemicals, the numbers are significant. Environmental Working Group (EWG) says it has documented hundreds of military sites where the groundwater has been contaminated with these forever chemicals. A veteran who served in one of these areas and now suffers from a medical condition that’s been linked to forever chemical exposure may be entitled to VA disability benefits. 

Get Help with Your VA Disability Claim

When you file a VA disability claim based on PFAS exposure, you’ll need to show that you’ve been diagnosed with a medical condition, that you were exposed to forever chemicals during your military service, and that there is a connection between your exposure during military service and your current condition. Some of the evidence that may help you establish your claim may include: 

  • Military records showing that you served in an area that has been found to have been contaminated
  • Evidence of the contamination of that site
  • PFAS in your blood
  • An expert medical opinion explaining the link between PFAS exposure and your condition

Putting together a winning claim can be daunting. An experienced VA disability benefits advocate can help. To learn more about how the knowledgeable advocates at Veterans Help Group can help you put together the strongest claim possible, call 855-855-8992 right now, or fill out our contact form here.

Learn More About Your VA Disability:

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