90% VA Disability

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90% VA Disability Benefits

You probably know that the amount of your monthly VA disability benefits depends in large part on your disability rating. However, that’s not the only factor. Another significant factor in determining VA disability compensation is the number and type of dependents the disabled veteran has. Veterans rated 30% disabled or above will see their benefits increase if they claim a dependent spouse, child, or certain other dependents. 

At a 90% rating, the veteran’s base monthly monetary benefit is $2,241.91. That’s the number for 2024–compensation rates are adjusted every December, for both new recipients and those who are already receiving benefits. So, if you’re reading this later, the amount may be slightly more. 

Increased Benefits with a Spouse

With a spouse and no other qualifying dependents, a disabled veteran with a 90% disability rating will see their monthly benefits increased to $2,428.91. That’s an increase of about 8.3%. If the veteran has other qualifying dependents, such as minor children or dependent parents, the total amount of monthly benefits increases further. Like the base benefit for the veteran, the additional benefits for qualifying dependents are adjusted annually.

The Difference 10% Makes

You might think that when you have a 90% VA disability rating, you receive benefits equal to 90% of the amount you would receive for total disability. That’s not how it works. While the base benefit amount for a veteran with a 90% VA disability rating is $2,241.91, a veteran with a 100% disability rating receives $3,737.85. In other words, a veteran with a 90% disability rating receives less than 60% of the amount the same veteran would receive with a 100% rating. 

That’s not the only difference, either. If the veteran’s 100% disability rating is considered permanent, the spouse and other dependents may be entitled to additional benefits, such as educational benefits and healthcare coverage. 

There are two possible ways that a veteran rated 90% may be able to increase benefits. One is to ask the VA to reconsider the rating and demonstrate that they meet the criteria for a 100% disability rating. The other is to be classified as totally disabled due to individual unemployability. A veteran with this classification receives the same benefits as one with a 100% disability rating, regardless of the actual rating. 

Get Help with Your VA Disability Claim

As you can see, small differences in your VA disability rating can have a big impact on benefits. That’s just one reason it is to your advantage to work with an experienced VA disability benefits advocate from the beginning. To learn more about how we can help, call 855-855-8992 or fill out our contact form here.


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