VA Disability Blog
VA Official Says Agent Orange Risks are Exaggerated
Jim Sampsel, a lead analyst within the Department of Veterans Affairs’ compensation service, has downplayed the risks...
Recent Appeals Decision Helps Veterans Prove In-Service Personal Assault
A recent decision from the Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims may make it easier for veterans claiming disability...
Opportunity to Upgrade Discharge Status due to Mental Trauma
A week after President Obama signed the 2017 National Defense Authorization Act, the defense department announced they...
Tampa Investigative Reporter Steve Andrews Interviews Ralph Bratch About President Trump’s Proposed VA Budget Cuts
Part I of President Trump's proposed VA budget cuts story featured on Tampa Bay's WFLA Target 8 aired on...
Veterans Help Group Lining Up in Opposition to Proposed Unemployability Cuts
The Trump administration’s budget proposes to cut individual unemployability benefits for service-connected veterans...
Trump to Nominate Three New Judges to the Federal Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims
On Wednesday President Trump announced his intention to nominate three new judges to the Federal Court of Appeals for...
Board Grants Appeal For Service Connection For TBI and PTSD
The Board of Veterans' Appeals recently granted an appeal filed by Veterans Help Group on behalf of a veteran for...
Threshers Military and Veterans Appreciation Game Night
On Saturday night Veterans Help Group was honored to sponsor the Threshers Military and Veterans Appreciation Game for...
House Passes Veterans Appeals Improvement Bill That Claims to Speed Up VA Appeals
By unanimous vote of 418 to 0, the House of Representatives recently passed legislation, titled the Veterans Appeals...
VA Takes Back Millions in Former Military Pay From Disabled Veterans But Can’t Defend Why
The VA has taken away close to half a billion dollars from nearly 25,000 veterans from 2010 to 2015. Using this...
Trump Budget Cuts Benefits to Retirement Age Veterans
In an about face on his promise to help veterans by making veteran friendly changes at the VA, President Trump's new...
CAVC Update – Bankhead v. Shulkin, Docket No. 15-2404
PTSD, depression, and other acquired mental health disorders are rated based on the severity of the veteran’s...
According to GAO Study Three out of Five Veterans Discharged for Misconduct Had Mental Issues like PTSD and TBI
According to a new GAO study, three out of every five service members in the armed forces that are discharged for...
Applying for VA Disability Compensation For Headaches
Migraines and headaches are another disability recognized by the VA. When filing for VA disability compensation for...
Ralph Bratch Lectures at Army JAG School on VA Disability
Ralph Bratch of Veterans Help Group was recently honored to be a guest lecturer for the second consecutive year at the...
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