VA Disability Blog
Mefloquine Symptoms Mimic PTSD
A case study published by the Drug Safety Case Reports linked a Malaria drug given to service members to symptoms that...
A New Shopping Option For Our Veterans
Exchanges are like discounted department stores for military communities. The Pentagon is in process of allowing...
The VA Quickly Integrates the Rule of Two
“The rule of two,” this phrase has been mentioned a lot lately in the VA. What does it mean? The rule of two was...
A Step in the Right Direction: Study Shows Lower Veteran Suicide Rate
A study was conducted by the VA to monitor the suicide rate in veterans from the years of 2001 to 2014. In this study...
1 inch difference cost Va hospital $300,000.
A minor purchasing adjustment cost the Detroit VA hospital $300,000. After having agreed to a design for a 15 inch TV...
VA Secretary Robert McDonald stands by his employees
Despite the aggressive influence from Capitol Hill to hold VA employees’ accountable, McDonald feels that the few who...
The wait for assistance grows as Vietnam Veteran is still 12,396 in line
Pinellas County Vietnam veteran, Tom Jenkins, fights for disability benefits. After being exposed to Agent Orange Tom...
COLA Act becomes Advocate
President Obama signed the COLA Act of 2016 on Friday July 22nd. This advocate allows disabled veterans to receive an...
Toxic water found in military communities
Every mothers hope is for their child to be born strong a healthy. For new mother Carmen Soto, fear outweighs that...
Medias negative affects on veterans is causing more military families to feel out of place
Veterans have always been seen in a different light. They have been depicted as heroes, as victims and most recently...
Senators pushing to get Vets the help they deserve
A group of senators pushed to include a proposal that would make it easier for veterans to upgrade their “bad paper”...
A push to help veterans in need, expansion in the VA Crisis Line Center
Reaching out for assistance is never an easy task, but for suicidal veterans it is not only difficult to make that...
VAs push to lower suicide rates
A study determined that the suicide rate for veterans has dropped from 22 in 2010 to 20 in 2014. However, officials at...
Unqualified medical professionals diagnosing Vets with TBI
After using unqualified medical professions to perform brain injury exams, the Minneapolis VA Medical center is under...
The VA has a long road ahead as they catch up with backlogged cases
Over 70,000 veterans disability claims are backlogged in VA processing centers. Setting a goal to have backlogged...
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