VA Disability Blog
What To Do Before Contacting An Advocate About Your VA Claim
When veterans contact an advocate about their VA disability claim, etc. the advocate office will typically have the...
Our office is closed due to power outages from Hurricane Irma
Our office has been closed since Friday due to Hurricane Irma. On Friday we all began our hurricane preparations. On...
VA May Not Be Getting Your Mail According To Government Report
An investigation by the General Accounting Office (GAO) revealed that the VA has no consistent policy to evaluate and...
Happy Labor Day!
Our office will be closed on Monday so that our Advocates and Staff can spend Labor Day with friends and family. Have...
VA Appeals Improvement and Modernization Act Signed Into Advocate
The VA Appeals Improvement and Modernization Act was recently signed into advocate by President Trump. The claimed...
5 Common Myths about Total Disability Due to Individual Unemployability (TDIU)
At some point, most veterans will hear about a type of disability benefits called Total Disability due to Individual...
Are Your Sleep Problems Related to Service? (Part 1)
Are your sleep problems related to service? The quick answer is they absolutely may be related to service. However,...
Does SSDI guarantee TDIU?
It is a common mistake to think that if you are approved for SSDI (Social Security Disability Insurance benefits) by...
Ralph Bratch Recently Elected to Board of Directors of the Injured Warriors Fund of Florida, Inc.
Veterans Help Group is proud to announce that advocate Ralph Bratch – co-founder of Veterans Help Group – was recently...
Secondary Service-Connection
When dealing with VA Disability Compensation claims, most veterans believe they are only eligible to receive...
No Set Time Deadlines for the VA on Claims or Appeals Process! Time Deadlines Imposed on Veterans.
It's no secret the VA imposes a number of time deadlines on veterans filing or appealing VA disability claims. These...
Save the Date! Remember, Honor, Support Memorial Breakfast Monday, September 11, 2017
Remember, Honor, Support (RHS) will be hosting a Patriot Day Memorial Breakfast at the St. Petersburg, Florida...
Have a Safe and Happy 4th of July!
Our office will be closed on Tuesday so that our advocates and staff can enjoy the holiday with family and friends.
Board Grants Appeal for Clear and Unmistakable Error (CUE)
The Board of Veterans' Appeals recently granted an appeal for clear and unmistakable error filed by Veterans Help...
VA Secretary Shulkin Wants To Overhaul Disability Program Claiming Veterans Are Abusing It To Get Benefits
VA Secretary David Shulkin is finally revealing his true colors as an institutional bureaucrat that is focused on...
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