VA Disability Blog

10 Best Military Movies of All Time From The Experts
Inspired by the Oscars and the lauded film Dunkirk, we thought we would poll our office military veterans to find out...
Case Update: Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims
Turner v. Shulkin has made a significant impact on pending claims. Read about how it could lead to a greater pay out...
The VA Rating Schedule: When “Average” Doesn’t Fit
The goal of the VA disability rating system is to ensure that veterans are appropriately compensated for disabilities...
Toxic Exposure Declassification Act: What this Means for You
Last month, the National Defense Authorization Act was signed. Included in this bill was a provision called the Jack...
VA Claim Checklist
Get organized for the New Year with this printable checklist that will help you gather the necessary documents for...
What Is RAMP And Should You Opt In?
On November 2, 2017, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) implemented the Rapid Appeals Modernization Program...
Update: Data Manipulation at a VA Regional Office
The Office of Inspector General (OIG) received an anonymous tip on August 10, 2016 that the Veterans Service Center...
Rating Multiple Respiratory Conditions
Many veterans assume that if they suffer from two respiratory conditions they can receive separate disability ratings...
Veterans Help Group Thanksgiving Turkey Giveaway for Veterans
This year Veterans Help Group will host our second annual Turkey Giveaway for Veterans on Monday, November 20th from...
Happy Veterans Day
According to the United States Census from 2015, there are 21,369,602 veterans in our country. That is a lot of people...
Changes To The Process of Pending VA Appeals Starting This November
The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) announced on November 1st that it will launch the Rapid Appeals Modernization...
Secretary of Veterans Affairs Considers Adding More Conditions Linked to Agent Orange Exposure
New conditions are currently being considered by the VA and Secretary Shulkin to be added to the list of conditions...
Veterans Help Group 2017 Halloween Blood Drive
On Tuesday, October 31, Veterans Help Group will host its 2017 Halloween Blood Drive to help blood shortages in the...
VA Disability Pay Rates To Jump 2% in 2018
Disabled veterans that receive VA disability checks and several other types of pay from the VA will see a 2 percent...
New Court Decision on the Impact of a Flare-up
Many veterans file claims for disabilities that, while chronic, are worse on some days than on others. So, while on a...
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